


Beijing zhuo exhibition decoration engineering co., LTD. Since its establishment, under the joint efforts of company employees were obtained including decoration engineering decoration design, museum exhibits display system integrated control system, immersive image display system, the multimedia equipment centralized control software, a total of more than 20 computer software copyright registration certificate.

  • 虛擬現實博物館空間展示系統V1.0

    Virtual reality museum space display system V1.0

  • 基于AR技術的智慧城市外鏈系統V1.0

    Smart city external chain system V1.0 based on AR technology

  • 基于3D虛擬技術的智能訓練平臺V1.0

    Intelligent training platform V1.0 based on 3D virtual technology

  • AR仿真模擬實控系統V1.0

    AR simulation simulation real control system V1.0

  • AR場景規劃展示系統V1.0

    AR scene planning and display system V1.0

  • 裝飾工程裝修設計一體化管控系統

    Decoration engineering decoration design integrated control system

  • 博物館展品展示系統

    The museum exhibits display system

  • 沉浸式影像展示系統

    Immersive image display system

  • 展館多媒體設備集中控制器控制軟件

    The pavilion multimedia equipment centralized control software

  • 展廳自動巡講控制系統

    The exhibition hall automatic cruise control system

  • 展廳多功能音、視頻播放系統

    The exhibition hall multi-functional sound and video broadcast system

  • 展館智能控制語音導覽軟件

    The museum exhibits display system

  • 基于虛擬現實的博物館展覽系統

    Immersive image display system

  • 3D 全景漫游軟件

    The pavilion multimedia equipment centralized control software

  • 360 度全系投影系統

    The exhibition hall automatic cruise control system

  • 博物館3D 展覽管理系統

    Decoration engineering decoration design integrated control system

  • 博物館多媒體VR 體驗互動軟件

    The museum exhibits display system

  • 裝飾設計BIM 虛擬現實展示系統

    Immersive image display system

  • 展陳全景展示系統

    The pavilion multimedia equipment

  • 展陳空間應用型多媒體交互、 互動集控系統平臺

    The exhibition hall automatic cruise control system

  •  上一頁 

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